Cape Cod All Natural Repellent Donated to Boston Outdoor Summer Fests & Concerts! #naturalrepellent5/18/2024 ![]() Cape Cod Naturals Repellent flashback --- proud to donate bug & mosquito repellent to Boston area SummerFest & the Town of Acton Outdoor Event & Concert Series! Local to NARA Park Acton in the Boston west burbs buy tix & support local! Our friend Maura & her team at the Town of Acton Recreation shares the donated Cape Cod Naturals insect repellent spray when it gets buggy just after intermission! Cape Cod Naturals in Acton MA? Pictured here during intermission with our friend Tony from the MWCOC Chamber of Commerce putting our famous bug shield around Tony so he can enjoy the concert bug-free. Cape Cod Naturals Repellents safe, non-toxic repellent for people & pets that really works! Proud partner of the Lyme Awareness of Cape Cod & The Cape Cod National Seashore. We offer convenient flat-rate shipping - $5.95 for *any size* order at PS Cape Cod Naturals is back in business after the Cape Cod Tornado hit! Everyone banded together to help one-another. Thank you to the first responders, businesses & community folks for coming together to move forward & clean-up in the aftermath. We appreciate your patience with any delay in order shipping delay during that time! Enjoy the fun, safe healthy end of summer bug-free! Cheers, Don - Founder & Head of R & D (wintering in Key West!) for Cape Cod All Natural Repellents
Cape Cod All Natural Repellent – The Farmers Market Brand #naturalrepellent #mosquitoes #ticks6/23/2022 It's Summer Outdoor & Farmer's Market Season on the Cape! Did you know that Cape Cod All Natural brand got its start at local Farmers Markets on Cape Cod? This Summer you can still find Don Rogers & Cape Cod All Natural every Thursday & Saturday this summer at the Bass River Farmers Market in South Yarmouth & Tuesdays at the Sandwich Farmers Market on the upper Cape. We have our top selling Cape Cod All Natural bug spray repellent, versatile natural insect repelling dryer sheets & oil of lemon eucalyptus dog pet shampoo -- permethrin pet bandana collars too!
Outdoor season is here! Protect your family & pets from mosquitoes & ticks naturally with Cape Cod Naturals repellent. What’s unique about Cape Cod Naturals insect repellent products? We use a special type of Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus registered with the CDC as a safe and effective Deet-free alternative. According to our environmentally conscious friends at Treehugger, lemon eucalyptus oil can be a much safer and more natural weapon. Oil of lemon eucalyptus, a plant-based repellent, is also registered with EPA. In two recent scientific publications, when oil of lemon eucalyptus was tested against mosquitoes found in the US it provided protection similar to repellents with low concentrations of DEET. Cape Cod Naturals products, the farmers market brand, is now available Online with easy, economical $5.95 flat rate shipping on ANY SIZE ORDER. Order today for Summer & Fall outdoor season gardening, outdoor hikes, & just spending time 'distancing' outdoors these days! at (allow up to a 1 week for delivery). Stay Safe healthy & bug-free this season! Anyone who spends time on the shore of Cape Cod or Plum Island and beyond is familiar with those pesky greenhead flies! The Boston Globe July health science feature (Boston Globe photo credit) said 'Greenhead Whisperer' Jean Adams & outdoor wildlife planner said the key is to 'make friends with the greenheads' and do not fear them so they won't bother you! If it's a sunny day in July outdoors on the beach or in the dunes on the Cape, that may not always work :)-. Testimonials from many loyal Cape Cod All Naturals customers say that our Cape Cod All Natural repellents are effective against greenheads! It's all natural & safe for people and pets -- environmentally friendly too!
Cape Cod Natural repellent also works to protect against all types of mosquitoes and ticks that cause lyme disease and other tick -borne illness. Remember to reapply often for best protection. It's easy to order Cape Cod Natural repellent products for the season! Cape Cod All Natural repellents make great summer & fall hostess and friend gifts for outdoor season on the Cape and the Islands, Boston, New Hampshire and beyond! Stock-up with convenient online shipping (be sure to add the special $5.95 value-rate shipping envelope to your cart when you check out) at Try to make friends with the 'greenheads' but have Cape Cod All Natural Repellent on hand too! Stay SAFE & Well outdoors this season. The Team at Cape Cod All Natural ![]() May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month. Whether spending more time OUTDOORS this year on Cape Cod, Massachusetts & beyond ticks and mosquitoes abound this year! The goal of Lyme Awareness month is to educate the public, friends & family and help take steps to protect your family and PETS from lyme and tick-borne illnesses. The Lyme ribbon is a symbol to generate awareness about being outdoors - for us the green also means sustainable & environmentally friendly products! Be sure to take special precautions for family and your pet too! While many are not able to make a trip to the Vet at this time with Covid-19, there are still ways to protect your pet. Try using a Cape Cod Naturals 'Insect Shield' tick or flea bandana for your dog to repel ticks, mosquitoes & those pesky flies. (comes in a variety of colors from Earth Day green to patriotic to be ready for July 4th! Pet parents can also protect their furry friends by bathing them in natural pet repellent shampoo for days of protection (Cape Cod All Natural shampoo is made with lemongrass & eucalyptus essential oils to naturally repel bugs & ticks & give their fur shine indoors & outdoors. The CDC recommends that people take precautions to help prevent lyme disease including wearing protective clothing when outdoors walking, hiking, camping & gardening & protecting their pets too applying an effective bug repellent (including products containing permethrin, Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus (OLE), the active ingredient in Cape Cod Natural products.) Re-apply often and be sure to do regular tick-checks after spending time outdoors. Cape Cod All Natural Repellents is proud to provide safe, effective & environmentally friendly tick repellent products for people and pets. We also recommend having Tickease tick remove on hand just in case invented by our friend Dan Wolf - all available for fast easy delivery ($5.95 shipping for any size order) at The team at Cape Cod Naturals is a proud partner of Lyme Disease Awareness Month and Lyme of Cape cod locally helping keep people & pets happy, healthy & tick-free this season! Be Safe and well! ![]() Cape Cod Life story & Cape Cod All Natural Bug Repellent Testimonial written by Amy, A New Jersey native who remains a loyal customer buying Cape Cod All products online! Thanks to Amy for sharing her story... “I was so happy to receive the Cape Cod All Natural Repellent - I love that stuff! I bought my first bottle of your repellent at the nature center outside of P-town at the Province lands Visitor Center a few years ago - it works great!!! I am a favorite among mosquitoes, the most popular in every crowd, and this is the only non-DEET solution that has worked and I love it!” I grew up visiting the Cape Summers when I was little staying in Eastham (always right on the bay when the target ship was still visible!) but later we tried different places, and in most recent years frequented Brewster and Orleans on the bay - we have deep love for the bay for obvious reasons!! My sons grew up running out on the flats too, so the 3rd generation of our family enjoyed summers on the Cape. We have so many great memories of time with my parents there. Readers of Cape Cod Life Magazine (or Cape Cod & summer shore living) may appreciate Amy’s mother’s Judith Keneman | Cape Cod LIFE journey as a photographer during her retirement years. Though she lived in New Jersey during this time period, Cape cod was forever her favorite place to be, to visit and to take photos (see Judith's photo from Cape Cod Life). Thank you for your reading my mini history here....the Cape changed all our lives on Cape Cod and I look forward to returning another time soon when possible. Meantime, I'm happy to share my love for your Cape Cod All Natural repellent products. All the best to you and your company! Mosquito & Tick Free outdoor gardening Tips - Don't let the bugs bite this Summer! Thanks to Massachusetts Dept of Public Health for these Outdoor Gardening Tips. Natural Insect Repellent to help protect your family against pesky mosquitoes and ticks that can cause lyme disease & other mosquito & tick-borne illness. In addition to DEET, "Products containing other active ingredients such as oil of lemon eucalyptus (active ingredient in Cape Cod All Natural repellents) are also effective against mosquitoes & ticks". Whether gardening, hiking or simply enjoying walking outdoors this summer season, remember to apply safe, non-toxic, environmentally friendly bug repellent to keep your family and furry pet friends safe from bug bites & help prevent lyme & other mosquito & tick-borne diseases..
Also remember to wear protective clothing (Cape Cod All Natural dryer sheets offer added protection for clothing apparel, check for ticks & keep 'TickEase' tick removers on hand in your summer first aid kit (also buy from Cape Cod Naturals online) too. Happy Healthy start to summer from all at Cape Cod Natural Repellents! ![]() Yes, Cape Cod All Natural Bug Repellents offer Safe, Non-Toxic, all natural bug protection containing Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus is effective against mosquitoes including those carrying the West Nile virus Shared from the MA Department of Public Health: PRESS RELEASE Massachusetts public health officials raise West Nile virus risk level to moderate statewide. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 8/21/2018
Of the 351 cities and towns in Massachusetts, 162 communities are already considered to be at moderate risk for West Nile virus. This is only the second time that public health officials have raised the risk level statewide. To date, there have been no reported human WNV cases in Massachusetts. “The hot, humid weather in Massachusetts combined with frequent heavy rainfall has provided perfect conditions for mosquito species carrying West Nile Virus to breed,” said Public Health Commissioner Monica Bharel, MD, MPH. “I strongly encourage everyone to keep using insect repellant and to be especially aware of mosquito activity at dusk and dawn when the risk of being bitten by mosquitoes is greatest. Move indoors if you are getting bitten.” While WNV can infect people of all ages, people over the age of 50 are at higher risk for severe disease. WNV is usually transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito. Most people infected with WNV will have no symptoms. When present, WNV symptoms tend to include fever and flu-like illness. In rare cases, more severe illness can occur. “August and September are the months when most human cases occur,’’ said DPH State Epidemiologist Dr. Catherine Brown. “That’s why we are taking this step today so together we can help keep people from getting sick.” Avoid Mosquito Bites Apply Insect Repellent when Outdoors. Use a repellent with an EPA-registered ingredient (DEET (N, N-diethyl-m-toluamide), permethrin, picaridin (KBR 3023), oil of lemon eucalyptus [p-methane 3, 8-diol (PMD)] or IR3535) according to the instructions on the product label. DEET products should not be used on infants under two months of age and should be used in concentrations of 30% or less on older children. Oil of lemon eucalyptus should not be used on children under three years of age. Be Aware of Peak Mosquito Hours. The hours from dusk to dawn are peak biting times for many mosquitoes. Consider rescheduling outdoor activities that occur during evening or early morning in areas of high risk. Clothing Can Help Reduce Mosquito Bites. Wearing long-sleeves, long pants and socks when outdoors will help keep mosquitoes away from your skin. Mosquito-Proof Your HomeDrain Standing Water. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water. Limit the number of places around your home for mosquitoes to breed by either draining or discarding items that hold water. Check rain gutters and drains. Empty any unused flowerpots and wading pools, and change the water in birdbaths frequently. Install or Repair Screens. Keep mosquitoes outside by having tightly-fitting screens on all of your windows and doors. Protect Your Animals Animal owners should reduce potential mosquito breeding sites on their property by eliminating standing water from containers such as buckets, tires, and wading pools – especially after heavy rains. Water troughs provide excellent mosquito breeding habitats and should be flushed out at least once a week during the summer months to reduce mosquitoes near paddock areas. Horse owners should keep horses in indoor stalls at night to reduce their risk of exposure to mosquitoes. Owners should also speak with their veterinarian about mosquito repellents approved for use in animals and vaccinations to prevent WNV and EEE. If an animal is suspected of having WNV or EEE, owners are required to report to DAR, Division of Animal Health by calling 617-626-1795 and to the Department of Public Health (DPH) by calling 617-983-6800. More information, including all WNV and EEE positive results, can be found on the Arbovirus Surveillance Information web page at or by calling the DPH Epidemiology Program at 617-983-6800. ### Key Armor Against Ticks? Knowledge plus plenty of Insect repellent #Ticks #lyme #bugrepellent5/8/2018 It's Lyme Disease Prevention Month! Boston Globe highlights latest on tick borne illness and identification. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said illness from mosquitoes, ticks and flea bites more that tripled between 2004 and 2016. Your key armour against ticks? Knowledge plus plenty of bug repellent that is effective against the pesky creatures.
Happy safe outdoor season from all at Cape Cod All Natural Bug Repellents and our friends at Tickease too! Cape Cod All Natural & partner Market LOHAS (Lifestyle Of Health And Sustainability) are proud business supporters of the 3rd Annual BiG Tiny House Festival in Boston (Stoughton Trackside Plaza) on Sunday Sept 24 . FREE Sustainability festival includes tours, speakers, music, art & a showcase of eco products. Did you know that Cape Cod All Natural repellents were developed and 'field tested' in the Florida Keys & Everglades? (along with Cape Cod)? Here is our chance to Give Back & #GiveHealthy Tiny House Festival- #IrmaHurricane relief - Join Cape Cod Naturals & Market LOHAS in donating bug repellent products to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami-Dade relief S. Florida hurricane effort! Stop by the Cape Cod Naturals table or email [email protected]. ** Buy/DONATE additional Cape Cod Naturals Bug Repellent Products to Hurricane Irma Relief Effort at the Tiny House Festival or email [email protected] Thank you!
Learn more and Join Our at our Be Well Be Healthy Be Green Meet-up: Enjoy the Tiny House Eco Green Living festival! |
Cape Cod Naturals provides safe, economical, & effective natural bug repellent products that work as advertised and are good for both you and your environment.
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May 2024